Duties and Responsibilities


Early Stage of Labor

At the beginning of labor, they need to set up a bed for the patient, put the baby and mother on heart monitors, and monitor labor contractions. Once the labor starts to kick into gear, the nurse must insert and monitor IV fluids such as Pitocin, a drug that jump-starts labor.

During this time in the labor, the nurse must also periodically check the mother’s cervix and determine how far dilated she is.


Live Birth: Epidural

If the mother is in extreme pain from the contractions, the nurse will have to call the anesthesiologist for an epidural.

Active Labor


When the mother is at 10 centimeters and is fully dilated to push, the nurse has the job to count the pushes and instruct the mother on breathing mechanisms.

During this critical time, it is also important for the nurse to help instruct the father.


This might include telling him to hold the mothers’ legs, to keep her calm, or to help regulate breathing.

Inside Pregnancy: Labor and Birth



The nurse now must do these tasks right after the birth:

  • Keep the baby warm
  • Suction out the mouth and nose
  • Check for reflexes and normal color of the skin
  • Weigh and Measure
  • Swaddle in blankets and a cap
  • Get their fingerprints and footprints
  • Put a tag on the baby for safety reasons

Newborn Care Immediately After Birth


For post-partum, or post-delivery, nurses have the job of instructing the mother how to breastfeed and care for the newborn. They also have the job of bathing the newborn for the first time, while the mother watches.


During the entirety of the nurses’ shift, they must chart. This can be a long process but it highly necessary for medical records.

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